Posted on Wednesday, April 27th, 2011
Hello, and welcome to my new blog and updated website. I invite you to take a few minutes to browse the site and let me know what you think of it. You’re my guest, and I want my site to be useful and informative to you. I’ll be adding new content regularly, and I’m eager to hear what particular topics you want to hear more about.
In my consulting practice I apply project management discipline to all kinds of business problems. In my blog, I’ll be writing for an audience that includes business executives, engineers, project managers, and anyone interested in the topic “Energy and Our Future.” This year I am especially interested in helping business executives become more effective project sponsors. My very next blog post will feature a management tool that I give away to help project sponsors spot the early warning signs of projects entering the “Danger Zone.”
Next week, May 2, I’ll be giving a talk called “Leadership in Crisis Situations” to participants at the New Jersey PMI conference. My talk is based on the lessons learned in one of the case studies on this site. I’ll be giving the same talk to the North Carolina chapter of PMI on June 16. If you attend either of these sessions, please introduce yourself. If you do, and you mention this blog post, I’ll give you a free consultation on one of your current projects. I look forward to meeting you.
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