Your Situation: SOS!

George, a friend of ours, set sail from California—solo—with a plan to sail westward all the way around the world. He’s an intrepid master sailor who navigates by compass and prefers not to rely on electronic equipment. Somewhere in the south seas George was caught in a storm and stranded for several days because he didn’t know where to find the closest “exit.”

What George needed was an onboard radar device capable of downloading real-time weather conditions.

What Windward brings to a troubled situation is a lot like radar. We gather lots of data, which we integrate with all the organizational patterns we’ve seen before and present it to you as a coherent picture.

By the way, George made it safely to New Zealand. He liked it so much he decided to stay.

Windward’s Response

Assessment is our first step when we come aboard to assist an operation in distress. We create safety by adopting a “no fault” attitude. A clear picture emerges as we talk to employees in a variety of roles.

Next, we develop a recovery plan. Our plan will lead you to solid ground if you follow it to the letter. Discipline— without deviations from the plan—is the key to a successful recovery.

Read This Case Study:
$100 Million Recovery

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